Our Team
2024 Board of Directors
Erica Spitzmacher
Erica has been a member of the Edmonton dodgeball community for almost 15 years. Dodgeball has been an important part of her life as she has made lifelong friends and met her husband while playing. Erica has competed at the Canadian National Championships 3 times over the years and is currently a part of the Team Canada program for Women's Cloth, but her passion is helping organize events and helping to build the community.
Betty Mak
Vice President​
Betty has been involved in the Calgary dodgeball scene since 2013 and started playing the 7” WDBF format in 2019. She has competed once at the Canadian National Championship with her local Alberta team. She also made a debut on Team Canada, fighting hard with her team to obtain a gold medal at the 2022 World Championships held on home soil in Canada.
Betty loves watching the local community grow, and in particular, seeing players put the time and effort into helping out other individuals from each and every team.

Kim Fehr
Director of Sport and Player Development
Kim started playing rubber dodgeball in 2007 and eventually created No Balls, Edmontons first all women's dodgeball team. No Balls was league champions for numerous years following their first season. Female empowerment in dodgeball is the heart of her focus and will take any opportunity to encourage women to lean in! She was initially drawn to dodgeball as a sport but ended up finding a community of friends and fantastic teammates.
She has organized two charity corporate dodgeball tournaments and lead her corporate challenge foam dodgeball teams to victory 3 years in a row. She loves bringing people together and if she is in a team, chances are she is the captain.
She has been supporting Dodgeball Edmonton since their inception. After a few years of resistance she finally committed to playing WDBF foam competitively. In 2022 with the support of her co-captains, she created the Edmonton Aurora Women's Dodgeball Team. This team went from a group of fairly new dodgeballers to winning Silver at Alberta Provincials in 2024!

Rachel Wong
Director of Records
Rachel has been playing some form of organized dodgeball since 2009 and loves seeing the constant growth of the community and the sport for the past 15 years. The 2024 Canadian National Championship will be her 5th national appearance.
When not on the court, she can be found on the golf course, traveling, lifting weights, or at the hot yoga studio.

Natalie Wall
Director of Finance
Natalie has been a member or the dodgeball community in Edmonton for well over 10 years. She plays 7” foam, 8.5” rubber, and 7” no-sting. She has competed at the Canadian National Championships four times. She loves the sport and is always hungry to play more. She wants to see dodgeball grow and thrive in Alberta so that others can have the chance to experience the joy of dodgeball.

Priscilla Buteau
Director of Events
Priscilla started her dodgeball career back in 2008, playing 8" Rubber Dodgeball for 9 years before making her debut in 7" Foam Dodgeball in 2017 and you may see her casually hiding in the corner of a 8.25" Foam Dodgeball court. In 2024, Priscilla competed for the sixth time at the Canadian National Dodgeball Championships and it may just be her last; 15 years on the dodgeball court is a long time!
Shree Harrington
Director of Communications
Shree has been playing recreational and competitive dodgeball since 2015 and has competed at the Canadian National Dodgeball Championships.
She's competitive and friendly, and is excited to channel that energy into growing the sport in Alberta.

Adam Bader
Director at Large
Adam has been involved in the dodgeball community for 7 years and is one of the Directors of Dodgeball Calgary. He played a variety of sports growing up but his main sport was baseball. His years of being involved in dodgeball have given him a vast collection of incredible memories to go along with a community of amazing friends and teammates.

Paul Laking
Director at Large